Should You Hire A Dog Bite Injury Lawyer? Find Here!

Dog bite lawsuits are not very uncommon. If someone you know has been attacked by a dog, advise them to seek compensation. Dogs are man’s best friend, but certain triggers can lead to a bite, which can have serious consequences for the victim. Besides the medical expenses, the victim may be out of work, and dog bite can cause considerable mental and emotional trauma. For such cases and lawsuits, the expertise of a dog bite injury lawyer is important. In this post, we are discussing more on the relevance of hiring an attorney.

Knowing the laws

State laws vary for dog bites, but in most states, the owner of the dog is responsible and liable for damage and injuries caused by the dog. This applies to humans and other animals. If someone has a vicious dog, they are required to keep the animal restrained and within an enclosure, away from people and neighbors. If the dog has to be taken out, a muzzle must be used, so as to prevent bites, and the animal has to be on the leash, with someone around.

What to do after a dog bite?

First and foremost, seek medical assistance and get paramedics to attend to the wound. Also, call the police, and if you think that the animal can cause further harm, you can choose to call animal control, as well. Once you feel a little better, call a dog bite injury lawyer. Dog bite lawsuits are often not as complicated, because it is easy to prove that the dog has caused injury. However, the owner may have many things to say in defense, and you need to have a strong case. Your attorney is your biggest asset in such cases.

Benefits of having an attorney

With an experienced lawyer, you can expect to get genuine advice for your case. They will do the necessary investigation too. For example – has the same dog caused injuries to other animals and people? Or are there real witnesses to the case? A professional attorney also ensures that the paperwork and relevant tasks are done in time, so that the claim proceedings can be initiated. Most attorneys will charge a part of the compensation as their fee, so you can be assured that they are working in your favor.

Dogs are usually nice and can be trained. If the animal doesn’t behave the way it’s expected, the owner must be held responsible for not caring and training the dog enough.

Infographic Provided By Atlanta personal injury lawyer, Van Sant Law